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The NCFP Guide for Effective Family Philanthropy

Report cover for the NCFP Guide with a photo of a cut tree from above showing the rings from the center out with the cover title and the publishing agency logo centered on the bottom
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Effective family philanthropy makes a collective commitment to meaningful societal change. It holds itself accountable to impact as defined by community, and to the proven practices that support it. It is adaptive, evolving with the family and the community or ecosystem within which it operates. It shares or cedes power with different family members and generations, as well as staff, communities, and grantees.

Our CMF Community: Advancing Equity for Transformative Change

CMF 2022 Annual Report with a photo of people walking and talking outside in the sunshine near a brick building and the report title at the bottom of the photo overlayed on top of brand colors
Publication date

This new publication honors the innovative leadership of CMF members, and the many unique ways philanthropy peers are working together and with their communities to make Michigan a place where all can thrive.

Trends 2020

Trends 2020 Cover
Publication date

Trends 2020 provides an update to NCFP’s 2015 Trends in Family Philanthropy Study, and includes new information on trends in areas such as transparency and community engagement, founder involvement, strategic lifespan, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in family philanthropy.

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