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Board of Trustees

The CMF Board of Trustees guides our vision and strategy and represents the diversity of our Michigan community of philanthropy.  

As part of the Board’s commitment to continuous improvement and best practices in nonprofit governance, the Trustees recently established a year-round process for welcoming nominations for individuals to serve on the Board. A year-round process provides members with the convenience of suggesting future trustees as they are identified and when opportunities arise as opposed to a specific, limited timeframe. This shift to a year-round nomination window seeks to advance a more inclusive, responsive and open process that maintains CMF’s commitment to a diverse and sustainable cadre of leaders.

Beginning in fall 2023, the CMF Governance Committee welcomes recommendations for nominees to serve three-year terms to begin in the fall of 2024. The Governance Committee seeks candidates who serve member organizations as trustees, chief executives and senior staff who reflect the CMF community of philanthropy’s diversity and who support our Vision and Mission, leading with a commitment to putting Equity at the Center of our work. The Governance Committee further seeks nominees with experience in these core membership association competencies: Governance, Finance and Administration, Fund Development, Communications, Collaboration, Program Strategy and Public Policy. 

Each year the Governance Committee will continue to report on the recommendations for the annual election to the board. In addition, the Governance Committee will share the board’s needs for future representation. Currently, for 2023 and 2024, the board is seeking nominees: 

  • From public foundations, corporate foundations and giving programs, and family foundations. 
  • With experience in rural philanthropy (including and especially northern Michigan). 
  • Who are engaged in philanthropy, especially through youth action committees, (ages 16-24).  
  • Who are trustees or senior-level staff with expertise/experience related to finance and investment. 

Please use the online CMF Board of Trustees Nomination Form to share any recommendations you would like the Governance Committee to consider, including self-nominations. Nominations will be reviewed throughout the year and the Governance Committee will follow up with the nominators and their recommended candidates. All recommendations will remain in the CMF system and will continually inform the board’s recruitment efforts. Because the list of nominees is maintained and referenced over multiple years, it will not be necessary to re-submit a nomination unless the candidate’s roles or organization have changed. Following review by the Governance Committee, a slate of final nominees is presented to the full CMF membership during the Annual Members Meeting hosted during the CMF Annual Conference. 

Board Nomination Form

Please contact Sue Cuddington, Executive Assistant to the CEO, if you have any questions. Thank you for considering this invitation and your ongoing support of CMF!  

Meet our Board of Trustees

Vice Chair, Community Foundations
Vice Chair, Corporate Philanthropy
Vice Chair, Family Philanthropy