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Equity at the Center

Our strategic framework – Equity at the Center – intentionally and urgently centers around equity generally, and racial equity imperatively, through our core priorities of people, policy and practice. With equity at the core of our vision, as our compass and ultimate measure of accountability, we intentionally elevate equity in our priority setting and decision making.

Advancing Our Collective Equity Journey

Discover how your peers from our community of philanthropy are exploring and embracing equity at their own organizations, both internally and through their work with and in communities. 


Navigating Your Equity Roadmap

CMF supports all in our community of philanthropy in advancing their own organizational and individual equity journeys. Whether you are deeply engaged in this work or exploring where to begin, we have you covered with a collection of toolkits and action-oriented resources to guide courageous conversations and inspire deep reflections to inform your own equity roadmap.

Advancing Your Equity Journey