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Kids Count National Databook

The Michigan League for Public Policy's (MLPP) Kids Count in Michigan Data Book explores state and county outcomes in four domains of child well-being: family and community, economic security, education, and health and safety.

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The Women & Girls Index

The only comprehensive data on charitable organizations dedicated to women and girls, the Women & Girls Index (WGI) tracks the landscape of women’s and girls’ organizations in the U.S., including the amount of philanthropic support they receive from individuals, foundations, and corporations.

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Giving in Numbers 2023

Giving in Numbers™: 2023 Edition examines 2022 trends in corporate community investments and employee engagement.

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ALICE Report: Michigan

This update of the ALICE Report for Michigan provides the most comprehensive look at the population called ALICE — an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.

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