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OFL Case Study: Sustainability Through Transitions

Founded in 2003 as a collaboration between the State of Michigan and philanthropic organizations, the Governor’s Office of Foundation Liaison (OFL) — the first of its kind in the nation — serves as an executive branch-level nonpartisan connector between Michigan’s public and philanthropic sectors

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In Pursuit of Equity: A Family Foundation’s Story

The article covers how the family foundation worked with its board to not only evaluate their foundation's tradition in grantmaking but also discover new ways of working, with a keen focus on remaining responsive in their pursuit of equity.

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The Step-By-Step Guide to Evaluation

What is evaluation? How can it help your organization? And how can you work more effectively with your evaluator? This handbook is designed to demystify evaluation and help you get the most out of evaluation for your organization. 

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Theory of Change for Funders

Growing numbers of charities are using the theory of change as a strategy and evaluation tool. This popularity is partly a symptom of funders asking charities to provide a theory of change in their application or evaluation.

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