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Since 2019, PACE has been leading research on the impressions and relationships American voters have with various civic terms, surveying thousands and gaining rich insights about the power of words to connect and divide us from people different than ourselves.
- Advocacy & Public Policy (45)
- Emerging Practice (8)
- Asset Development (12)
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- Community Philanthropy (29)
- Corporate Philanthropy (20)
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (41)
- Family Philanthropy (15)
- Finance & Investment (30)
- Governance & Board Development (30)
- Grantmaking & Evaluation (57)
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- Sector Leadership & Collaboration (62)
- Youth Philanthropy (12)
explore our Knowledge center
Browse these timely, relevant resources curated by our team of experts to deepen your knowledge of best practices, data insights and more. If you have suggested resources for inclusion in the Knowledge Center please contact our team.
Board Term Limits
Boards serve an essential governance role within foundations. Each board varies in terms of its policies and procedures depending on the structure required to achieve its strategic goals and organizational mission.
2024 Racial Equity in Lean Foundations
Racial equity is crucial to effective philanthropy, and lean foundations—those with few or no staff—are uniquely positioned to make a significant impact.
The 2024 National Study on Donor Advised Funds
The DAFRC research team hopes this data will be used to improve best practices, inform relevant regulation, or enhance the field’s use of DAFs as a philanthropic tool for donors, DAF sponsoring organizations, and other sector partners.
Exponent Philanthropy: How Grantees Think Funders Can Improve
At Exponent Philanthropy, we help lean funders collect feedback from their communities through the Grantee and Applicant Perception Survey.
Michigan Youth Voting Guide
The Michigan Youth Voters Guide, created by the Michigan Community Foundation's Youth Project (MCFYP), outlines valuable resources and information for first-time and young voters.
Expanding Equity: A Retrospective Report
In 2019, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation launched Expanding Equity to help companies transform into more equitable places of opportunity.
The NCFP Guide for Effective Family Philanthropy
Effective family philanthropy makes a collective commitment to meaningful societal change. It holds itself accountable to impact as defined by community, and to the proven practices that support it. It is adaptive, evolving with the family and the community or ecosystem within which it operates.
Toolkit for Simplifying Strategy
This strategy toolkit, developed in partnership with CECP, identifies three tools for clarifying your strategy and transforming your portfolio.
Toolkit for Advancing Strategy
Implementing a CSR or corporate foundation strategy may be even harder than developing it. Our learning brief provides best practices and tools to help corporate foundation and CSR leaders advance their strategy.
Let's Talk Climate & the Great Lakes with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, TNC
Named one of TIME's "100 Most Influential People," Fortune's "50 Greatest Leaders" and Foreign Policy's "100 Leading Global Thinkers", Dr Katharine Hayhoe is helping us prepare for the ways climate change affects all of us.
The Women & Girls Index
The only comprehensive data on charitable organizations dedicated to women and girls, the Women & Girls Index (WGI) tracks the landscape of women’s and girls’ organizations in the U.S., including the amount of philanthropic support they receive from individuals, foundations, and corporations.
Making it stick: A guide for establishing effective DEI infrastructure
This how-to guide, created through the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Expanding Equity program, has helpful tips for choosing and refining a DEI governance structure for your organization and offers supporting tools and processes (e.g., metrics, rewards and recognition) that can help make it stick.